Electrofuel Inc.Annual Information Form

  • Toronto, Ontario –
  • February 18, 2002


1.0Material Incorporated by Reference

Our 2001 Annual Report containing a message to our shareholders, a review of various areas ofoperation (e.g., technology, manufacturing, brand value, marketing and products), includingmanagement’s discussion and analysis and our audited consolidated financial statements for thefiscal years ended September 30, 2001 and 2000, is incorporated herein by reference.

2.0Corporate Structure

We were incorporated under the Business Corporations Act (Ontario) in September 1996.With the approval of our shareholders, we split our common shares on a three for one basis onSeptember 18, 2000.

In October 2001, we announced that we would change our name to “Electrovaya Inc.”, subjectto shareholder approval. At our next annual shareholders’ meeting, which will be held onTuesday, March 26, 2002, our shareholders will be asked, among other things, to approvechanging our name to Electrovaya Inc.

We have three wholly-owned subsidiaries:

•1408871 Ontario Inc., an Ontario corporation, which was incorporated on March 23,2000 to hold our real property;

•Electrofuel Sales Company, a Delaware corporation, which was incorporated onFebruary 15, 2001 for the purpose of carrying out our sales efforts in the United States;and

•Electrofuel USA Inc., a Delaware corporation, which was incorporated on April 7, 2000for the purpose of carrying out our corporate business activities in the United States.Our head office is located 2645 Royal Windsor Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L5J 1K9. Ourtelephone number, fax number and website address are 905 822 6573, 905 822 7953 andwww.electrovaya.com, respectively.